Where every night is opening night

We can’t wait to see you in Weston -

Get to know the shows!

About Season 89

Weston’s 2025 season celebrates the creative peaks we reach year after year and the artistic pathways that lead us to discovery and connection.

This year, we'll gather to share stories that transport us to new heights, from John Denver’s Rocky Mountains to the Green Mountains of Vermont. We’ll revel in the nostalgia and warmth of White Christmas and explore the powerful intersections of identity and belonging in Kareem Fahmy’s A Distinct Society.

Each production reflects the journeys we take together—filled with joy and love, family and friendship, challenge and hope.

Important 2025 Updates:

  • All Performances & The Box Office are at Walker Farm (705 Main St, Weston)

  • Matinee Madness - Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday all summer long 

  • Matinee Start Times - All Matinees now start at 2:00 PM

  • Pick-Your-Price Previews - Four price options starting at $0 for all Preview Performances this season. These stories are yours!

  • Evening show start times remain 7:30 PM to allow more time for pre-show food and drinks

Our delicious local restaurants, The HUB and the Left Bank are back, and now brick oven pizzas are available at Leyla’s near the Vermont Country Store.

Nearby lodging and dining options are available at your fingertips. Start planning your visit by clicking below!

Special Events

Pre-Show Talks - ALMOST HEAVEN - June 11 & June 12
Post-Show Talks - ALMOST HEAVEN - June 15, June 22, and June 29
Hootenannies - ALMOST HEAVEN - June 15, June 22, June 29, and July 7
Pre-Show Talks - WHITE CHRISTMAS - July 16 & July 17
Post-Show Talks - WHITE CHRISTMAS - July 20, July 27, & Aug 3
Pre-Show Talks - A DISTINCT SOCIETY - Aug 20 & Aug 21
Post-Show Talk - A DISTINCT SOCIETY - Aug 24
Pre-Show Talk - THE TWELFTH NIGHT SHOW - Sept 26 & Sept 27
Post-Show Talk - THE TWELFTH NIGHT SHOW - Sept 28

For 89 years, Weston has flourished as a home for exceptional theater in an exceptional community, presenting beautiful, entertaining stories performed by astonishingly talented artists from near and far. For all of those years, our town and our community have been at the heart of our work.

Everything we do—every moment of story, imagination, and innovation—is grounded in our history and contributes to the future of the place we call home